Bruxism symptoms and treatment

Bruxism symptoms and treatment

If you sleep partner tells you that he/she awakes in the middle of the night because you are grinding or clenching your teeth, you might have bruxism symptoms. This condition makes you grind, gnash or clench your teeth unconsciously during the night. Except for the noise it makes, it might seem harmless, but it can in fact bring you a lot of complications for your body.

Patients who have bruxism for years develop jaw disorders, headaches and especially damaged teeth that can change your whole appearance.

Bruxism symptoms

  • Teeth grinding or clenching, which may be loud enough to awaken your sleep partner.
  • Teeth that are flattened, fractured, chipped or loose.
  • Worn tooth enamel, exposing deeper layers of your tooth.
  • Increased tooth sensitivity.
  • Jaw or face pain or soreness.
  • Tired or tight jaw muscles.
  • Pain that feels like an earache, though it’s actually not a problem with your ear.
  • Dull headache originating in the temple when you wake up in the morning.
  • Damage from chewing on the inside of your cheek.

Bruxism treatment

The best, most effective way to protect tooth structure is by wearing a night guard, a covering of special material worn over teeth. It is made by custom-fitting to one’s jaw structure, individually designed and made at professional lab. Your dentist will make an impression of your teeth and then mold a night guard over the model.

Think you might have bruxism symptoms?

If you think you have bruxism, go to your dentist before any complications happen. Contact us to schedule an appointment and find the best treatment for your bruxism.