A Toothache Isn’t Always a Cavity

A Toothache Isn’t Always a Cavity

Everyone will experience a toothache in their life, however it is a good idea to not jump to the conclusion that a toothache automatically means you have a cavity. When experiencing toothaches many people feel a pain in their mouth that varies from a sharp, a throbbing, or a constant pain. There could be swelling around a certain tooth, a bad taste in your mouth (due to infected tooth) or a fever or headache may even occur. If you are experience a toothache where pain is persistent for 1-2 days, it is important to see your dentist in order to determine the root cause and receive further treatment if needed. Below we have compiled a few causes and there symptoms that may occur in the form of a toothache, as well as the very important ways to prevent a toothache.

Potential Causes & Symptoms

  1. Cavity: Caused by tooth decay. Includes a variety of symptoms such as toothache, visible holes, brown black or white staining, pain when biting down or tooth sensitivity from eating or drinking hot or cold foods.
  2. Abscessed Tooth: Caused by an infection at the root of the tooth. Main symptom is pain and swelling in the bone around the tooth.
  3. Fractured Tooth: Caused by a chipped, broken or cracked tooth that is potentially hard for a dentist to locate. Includes a variety of symptoms such as erratic pain when chewing and pain from hot and cold food and beverages.
  4. Repetitive Motions: Caused by chewing or grinding motion. Main symptom is pain in jaw.
  5. Sinus Infection: Cause by inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses. Main symptom is pain in upper teeth on both sides of your face.

Prevention From Toothache

Since most toothaches are the result of tooth decay, it is important to learn how to prevent them from happening in the future. Make sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride-containing toothpaste, floss daily and rinse your mouth with mouthwash. As well make sure you have your bi-annual check up at your dentist to ensure you are keeping up with your dental hygiene. In addition, the food and beverages you consume have a lasting-impact on your dental health. Therefore it is a good idea to consume food and beverages that are low in acid to prevent enamel erosion.